Part 2: Classes of Information

Our Publication Scheme contains seven classes of information, these can be accessed by clicking on the links below:

The publications are free unless otherwise indicated within each Class. The Trust’s commitment to publish information excludes any information that can legitimately be withheld under the exemptions set out in the NHS Freedom of Information Act. Where individual classes are subject to exemptions, the main reasons are the protection of personal information and commercial interests under the Data Protection Act 2018.

Annual Report and Accounts

Financial statements, budgets, variance reports

Financial audit reports

Staff pay and grading pay structures

Staff and board members’ allowances and expenses (see Annual Report and Accounts)

Funding (see Annual Report and Accounts)

Details of contracts currently being tendered the Trust’s contracts are advertised on the CTM tendering portal. You will need to login.

  • For contracting opportunities and information, please go to the GOV.UK Contract Finder. This site assists you in exploring and searching business opportunities.

Board papers and agendas

Patient and public engagement strategy

Public consultations (no active consultations)

Policies and procedures

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Standing financial procedures or instructions

Standing orders

Complaints and other customer service policies and procedures

Data protection and duty of confidentiality, records management, Caldicott Guardian, and Privacy Notices

Estate management

Charging regimes and policies

Charging regimes in place within Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust include:

  • Paying patients, including private patients and overseas visitors
  • Surgical appliances (national tariff)
  • NHS prescriptions (prescription charges)
  • Providing hardcopy documents requested under FOI
  • Car parking
  • Patient entertainment
  • Refreshments

Fees may vary. Please contact the service or department for further information.

Any information we are currently legally required to hold in publicly available registers

Registers of interest

Register of gift and hospitality

Services provided

Services for which we are entitled to recover a fee

  • Paying patients, including private patients and overseas visitors
  • Surgical appliances (national tariff)
  • NHS prescriptions (prescription charges)
  • Providing hardcopy documents requested under FOI
  • Car parking
  • Patient entertainment
  • Refreshments

Fees may vary. Please contact the service or department for further information.

Patient information leaflets

Patient advice and liaison services (PALS)

Advice and guidance

Corporate communications and media releases