Accessible Information Standard
The Accessible Information Standard tells organisations how they should ensure that disabled patients / service users and, where appropriate, carers and parents, receive information in formats that they can understand, and that they receive appropriate support to help them to communicate.
Accessible information directs and defines a specific, consistent approach to identifying, recording, flagging, sharing and meeting the information and communication support needs of patients, service users, carers and parents, where those needs relate to a disability, impairment or sensory loss.
In order to advance equality of opportunity under the direction of the Equality Act 2010, NHS England has mandated the Accessible Information Standard. The Standard applies to all organisations which provide NHS or adult social care and they are required by law to follow the Standard.
The aim of the Standard is to establish a framework and set a clear direction so that patients and service users (and where appropriate carers and parents) who have information or communication needs relating to a disability, impairment or sensory loss, receive the following:
- Accessible information (information which is able to be understood by the individual – eg large print, braille, easy read, email)
- Communication support (support to enable effective, accurate dialogue between a professional and a service user eg British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter)
This short video provides information about the Accessible Information Standard and what you need to do.
A guide to the Accessible Information Standard for patients
A guide to the Accessible Information Standard for patients (BSL)
Communication Support Card
Would you like any help in communicating with us or do you wish to receive information in an alternative format? Please complete the Communication Support Card application form and return it by email, or post to the Accessible Information Service (address details below). For further details, please contact the Accessible Information Service:
Accessible Information Standard Team
4th Floor
Union House
Union Street
Torquay TQ1 3YA
Tel: 0300 456 8373
Email: Accessible Information Service