People in greatest need entitled to free parking

car park

Published: 27 May 2021

People visiting Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust hospital sites could be entitled to free parking in line with new national guidance.

We already offer a wide range of different concessions. However, we are delighted to confirm details below of who qualifies for free parking.

Who can get free parking?

  • Cancer patients
    • Patients, from diagnosis, making daily or frequent visits for the treatment of cancer (surgical intervention, radiotherapy, SACT)
  • Acutely unwell patient relatives
    • Relatives of those patients who are acutely unwell, typically in ICU or requiring high dependence care
  • Relatives of patients on end-of-life care
  • Unpaid carers
    • Registered unpaid carers when they are caring for a friend or family member visiting or staying at a Trust premises
  • People with a disability
    • Holders of a valid Blue Badge attending hospital as a patient or visitor, or for a disabled person employed by the hospital trust. Please ensure that you display your registered disabled blue badge for the duration of your stay
  • Outpatient attendees
    • Free parking will be provided to all outpatients who attend hospital for an appointment at least three times within a month and for an overall period of at least three months. A ‘month’ is defined as a period of 30 days
  • Parents of children in hospital
    • Parents/guardians of children in hospital or parents whose babies are being cared for in the Special Care Baby Unit providing parent caring arrangements. This would apply to a maximum of two vehicles.
  • Those visiting the bereavement office or collecting a death certificate

How do I get free parking if this applies to me?

Your relevant ward or department will be able to confirm with the contact desks that you are requesting a concessionary ticket.

When parking in the pay on foot barriered car parks, you will need to visit our reception desks at the main entrance, level 4 or outpatients, level 2 with your parking ticket so this can be scanned to provide free parking and exit from barrier-controlled car parks. For disabled blue badge holders please present your disabled blue badge.

When parking in the pay and display car parks and designated parking bays please ensure that you display your concessionary ticket which has been issued by your ward, clinic, main entrance or outpatient reception desks. For disabled blue badge holders please display your disabled blue badge on your dashboard.