Proud to be… an evening with Michael Caines MBE, Alexandra Ankrah and Dr Habib Naqvi

Proud to be event special guests

Published: 20 October 2021

For everyone working in Health and Social Care across Devon, you are invited to celebrate Black History Month via our virtual event, Proud to be…an evening with Celebrity Chef Michael Caines MBE, Alexandra Ankrah from Health Education England, and Dr Habib Naqvi, Director of the NHS Race and Health Observatory.

Black History Month is a time for reflection and to explore Black history, heritage and culture leading to a greater understanding of issues around race and equality. This year’s national campaign invites Black people of all ages throughout the UK to share what they are proud to be as part of their identity.

The event taking place on Wednesday 27 October at 7pm is hosted by Sir Richard Ibbotson and Liz Davenport, with celebrated guests sharing their stories and reflections on the theme of proud to be.

There will then be a facilitated discussion during which time guests will answer your questions, which can be posted in the chat function. We look forward to you joining us via MS TEAMS or being part of the conversation on Twitter by following #ProudToBeTSD

Event itinerary

  • 7pm Introduction by the Chair, Chris Edworthy, Head of Organisational Development at Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust.
  • 7.05pm Welcome from Sir Richard Ibbotson, Non-Executive Director, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust.
  • 7.10pm Guest speaker – Michael Caines MBE, chef patron of Lympstone Manor, and known as one of Britain’s most celebrated and acclaimed Michelin starred chefs.
  • 7.20pm Guest speaker – Alexandra Ankrah is a former practising Barrister with a background in regulatory compliance and has worked in senior roles across Whitehall leading national policy teams at The Home Office.
  • 7.30pm Guest speaker – Dr Habib Naqvi, Dr Habib Naqvi, Director of the NHS Race and Health Observatory, which leads work nationally on identifying and tackling ethnic health inequalities.
  • 7.40pm Tanya White, Physician Associate, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust shares her thoughts on Proud to Be.
  • 7.45pm Sanita Simadree BSc, Diversity & Inclusion Lead for Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, and Chair of the Devon Wide BAME Network, talks about her role and what she is most proud of.
  • 7.50pm Q&As
  • 8.10pm Close by Liz Davenport, Chief Executive from Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust.
  • 8.15pm Event finishes