Benefits of becoming a member
There are many benefits of becoming a member of our Trust, including:
Helping to make a difference and influence the development of future local services provided by the Trust.
Being a voice of your community, telling us about the needs and expectations of your local community.
Voting for a member to represent you on our Council of Governors, or even stand as a Governor yourself; represent the views of Foundation Trust members and to help shape the direction of the organisation.
Attending special events including the Annual Members Meeting here at the Trust, and learn so much more about the Trust and its services, about its research and development, and about how we aim to provide the best possible healthcare for our patients.
Invitation to attend open days, seminars and special events being held by the Trust.
Receiving regular email updates on the work of the Trust including recent developments via our virtual newsletters and this website.
Access to information about jobs and apprenticeships, which you can access within the NHS – and potentially lifelong career opportunities.
Experience to add to your Curriculum Vitae (CV).