Volunteer with us

Regent House
Regent Close

Telephone: 01803 656272​
Email: Volunteering

Would you like to: meet new friends, be part of a team, support the NHS and your community, learn new skills and gain a new experience, enhance your CV or just make a difference?

Whether you want to give a morning, afternoon, an evening or more, once a week for a minimum of six months we would truly value your support. At Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust we have some exciting opportunities at the acute hospital, surrounding community hospitals, some care homes and we even have remote roles that you can do from the comfort of your own home.

We will do our best to match your skills, interests and availability to the roles we have. A number of roles require no experience at all, whereas others may require a lived experience to help support patients. All our volunteers are trained and supported in their roles.

We take volunteers from 16 years old with no upper age limit. Volunteers help enhance the patient and visitor experience and support our staff in providing the best care we can.

There has never been a better time to help your local NHS Trust.

How to register your interest

Take a look at our role profiles to see what you would be interested in.

Register your interest in the role that best suits your skills or interests.

Please note: If you have had any criminal convictions, cautions, reprimands or warnings, at any time in your life, you are required to tell us. Failure to do so may result in your application being rejected. Most roles will require a full Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

If your application is successful you will be invited to an informal interview which may be face to face or virtual using Microsoft Teams online. This is an opportunity for the Volunteering Co-ordinator and Volunteer Supervisor to get to know you better and an opportunity for you to ask us any questions about the role and volunteering at the Trust.

Following the informal interview and if both parties are happy to proceed with the application we will request two references, a confidential health assessment, a full Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, and following the Covid-19 pandemic you may be asked to complete an additional health questionnaire to ensure you will be placed appropriately and safely.

Providing all relevant checks have been satisfactory and completed, with agreements read and signed we will arrange your induction training. This can be face-to-face which is usually a morning or afternoon at your nearest hospital or you can complete it online. Depending on the role you have chosen you may require additional training which again can be a morning or afternoon depending on trainer availability. Then your Volunteer Supervisor will contact you to arrange your start date and welcome you to the Team.

After a trial introductory period of one month / 4 sessions you will be asked to complete a brief introductory evaluation this will help you decide if this is the right role and team for you and if not, we’ll explore other options. It is also an opportunity for us to give you some feedback on how we feel you are settling in.

Also note the application process can take up to a couple of months to complete.

We do not arrange work experience or medical placements. For more information, please see our work experience page.