Friends and Family Test
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust are committed to ensuring that they provide excellent care and the best patient / client experience.
The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important feedback tool that supports the principle that people who use NHS health services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. It asks people if they would recommend the services they have used and offers a range of responses. When combined with follow-up questions, the FFT provides a method to highlight both positive and negative patient experience.
By gathering your feedback, we can understand what has worked well and, where necessary, make improvements. When you receive care as an inpatient, outpatient, in the community or in the Emergency Department (A&E), you will be given the opportunity to give your feedback by answering some simple questions about your visit.
We would urge you to complete this form, either online, or a paper copy available in the waiting area or reception. Paper copies can be returned to designated post boxes, or you can respond by mail using the self-addressed envelopes.
This kind of feedback is vital in helping to improve the services provided by this Trust and in supporting patient choice.
Complete the Friends and Family Test patient experience questionnaire
Also see- The NHS Friends and Family Test Maternity Services short guide for parents
- The NHS Friends and Family Test Maternity Services short guide for staff
The Department of Health and NHS England has implemented this process with all health services provided by the NHS. The results from these questionnaires are calculated using the statistics, percentage of patients recommending and percentage of patients not recommending.
Find out more about the NHS Friends and Family Test and how Torbay Hospital has performed.
The results of the Friends and Family Tests are displayed in public areas throughout the Trust.