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Involving you

Members of the public can become involved in helping us to improve our services in many ways, including becoming NHS Foundation Trust members.

NHS Foundation Trusts are about the NHS being run locally by local people rather than by politicians in central government. They are still accountable to Parliament, but local people will have a real say in running their local hospital.

Find out more about Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust’s status and how you can become involved.

Contact: Foundation Trust Office: 01803 655705, or via our contact form.


Healthwatch have replaced Local Involvement Networks.

Healthwatch Torbay

Healthwatch Torbay is an independent health and social care consumer watchdog designed to support you and all members of the public to influence local health and social care services. For details of how to get in touch with Healthwatch Torbay or find about more about how they can support you, please visit www.healthwatchtorbay.org.uk.

Healthwatch Devon

Healthwatch Devon will work to help people get the best out of their health and social care services. To find about more, please visit www.healthwatchdevon.co.uk.

To help us to improve our services

As well as the opportunities offered through our NHS Foundation Trust Membership and patient involvement, you could help us by joining Torbay Hospital’s League of Friends, through volunteering or through donations.

For details of how to make donations to the League of Friends, please visit the League’s website.

We are able to provide enhanced care thanks to donations and funds raised for our charity, Torbay and South Devon NHS Charity (registered charity number 1052232). The charity funds equipment and projects that benefit current and future patients and their families, as well as supporting the wellbeing of our staff.

If you would like to say thank you for care received, give a donation in memory of a loved one or simply show your appreciation to the NHS, we would welcome your support. To find out more see our charity website.

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

There is the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, who has a duty to make independent investigations into complaints about hospitals and health services, if these have not been settled locally. The address is:

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
London SW1P 4QP