Coming into hospital

Personal belongings

Ideally all you’re your belongings should fit into a small case or holdall, including outdoor coats. Please do not bring unnecessary valuables with you. The item containing your belongings will be labelled with your name. It will be on your ward when you returned from theatre. See the above video on preparing for your operation at home before you come to hospital for more details.

Please bring with you:

  • A warm dressing gown (it can be cold in the hospital corridors)
  • Indoor footwear e.g. slippers
  • Underwear
  • Night wear
  • Loose day wear
  • Toiletries
  • Books or magazines to read/keep you amused
  • Your medications (in the original containers)
  • The name, address and contact number of your next of kin or nearest friend
  • A small amount of money
  • Contact numbers of your relatives/transport home

Please do not bring:

  • Cigarettes or tobacco
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Large sums of money
  • Valuables such as jewellery (other than wedding and engagement rings)
  • Perishable food items (other than fruit)

If you are unwell

If you have had diarrhoea or vomiting within 48 hours of you admission, please inform us by ringing the Surgical Admissions Unit on 01803 654880.

You should also inform us if you have had a cough, cold or flu-like symptoms in the immediate pre-operative period. On some occasions it may be necessary to postpone your operation until you are well again.

The day prior to surgery

If you have been supplied with pre-op drinks

  • You may be asked to drink 3 cartons of nutritional supplements (Fresubin).
  • These should be sipped slowly over a 4 hour period to avoid feeling sick (nausea)

Patients with diabetes

If you have diabetes controlled with diet or tablets alone you should follow the guidelines given to you in your preoperative assessment clinic appointment unless specifically advised otherwise by the diabetic nurse specialists.

If you use insulin for control of your diabetes you should not take the pre-op carbohydrate drinks on the day of surgery unless you have been specifically advised to do so by your diabetic nurse or a member of your surgical team.