Hearing aids
These patient information leaflets offer advice on what to expect, how to care for and common problems with hearing aids.
- Basic Hearing Aid Instructions for Hearing Aids with Earmoulds
- Basic Hearing Aid Instructions for Hearing Aids with Thin Tubes and Domes
- Battery Safety
- Before you receive your hearing aid
- Ear mould hearing aids
- Informacje o twoim nowym aparacie słuchowym (Hearing Aid - First Fit - Polish Version)
- Information about your new hearing aid - Audiology Hearing Care - Torbay and South Devon
- Lifetube hearing aids
- Making the most of your hearing aid
- Purchasing hearing aids privately
- Signia Stretta - Your Hearing Aid Information Booklet
- What to expect from your hearing aid
- Where to get batteries
What kind of hearing aid will I get?
At Torbay Audiology - Hearing Care we are currently fitting the Signia range of digital hearing aids to the majority of our adult patients. All of our hearing aids are programmed to patient specific prescriptions using hearing test results and 'Real Ear Measurements' which take into account the acoustic properties of the ear canal. Signia have the following:
Stretta Aya - the latest technology equipped with Bluetooth
Stretta Aya hearing aids feature the latest audiological technology for excellent sound and connectivity - ready to help you immerse yourself in the world around you. Your hearing instruments will be selected based on your hearing and lifestyle needs and your Audiologist will discuss any options with you at your fitting appointment.
Stretta Aya key features
- Augmented Focus: Separates speech from your surroundings, creating a clear contrast between the two, ensuring great awareness of your environment without compromising on speech understanding.
- Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0: Processes your soundscape even better than before – using smart algorithms and beam-forming microphones to help you focus on what’s important.
- Bluetooth Streaming: Stay connected with Bluetooth streaming for Android and iOS, allowing you to take calls and listen to music right from your hearing aids.
Other features include:
- Outstanding speech clarity
- Acoustic sensors
- Wireless 4.0 e2e
- Tinnitus sound therapy
- TeleCare
- Signia Assistant
- T-Coil
Stretta Aya M / M NT - Compact yet powerful
Stretta Aya M or M NT is the ideal BTE for wearers with individual fitting requirements and moderate, to severe hearing loss. The compact yet powerful package contains the latest technology, including updated Own Voice Processing 2.0 and Dynamic Soundscape Processing 2.0 for an even better hearing experience. Enhanced connectivity and Bluetooth streaming to both iOS and Android help provide a hearing experience comparable to the most advanced devices.
Runtime Up to 142 hours without streaming and up to 129 hours with 20 hours streaming.
Stretta Aya HP - Versatile and feature-rich
The Stretta Aya HP is the ideal BTE for wearers with moderate to severe (or even profound) hearing loss. This powerful device takes all the advantages that OVP 2.0 and DSP 2.0 provide and delivers them with the power needed to serve an even broader range of patients. The Stretta Aya HP provides the latest Bluetooth connectivity and TeleCare.
Runtime Up to 148 hours without streaming and up to 115 hours with 20 hours streaming.
Stretta Aya UP - Give yourself ultra-power
Aya UP combines an ultra-power BTE device with the latest technology. This innovative device is the complete package for those who want to take full advantage of advanced audio processing for excellent sound – despite severe to profound hearing loss. With advanced Bluetooth connectivity and telecoil, it offers even more hearing and handling possibilities to those with conventional UP devices.
Runtime Up to 277 hours without streaming and up to 217 hours with 60 hours streaming.
The majority of our adult patients will be fitted with one of the above hearing aids but in exceptional circumstances more specialist hearing aids might be required and these are fitted as and when appropriate.
A full list of FAQs is available on our dedicated FAQs page.