Breast reconstruction
If a mastectomy is necessary, there will usually be a discussion about breast reconstruction surgery.
If you choose to have breast reconstruction, you may be able to have it at the same time as the mastectomy. If this is the case your breast surgeon might discuss other types of mastectomy. A skin-sparing mastectomy is removal of the breast and nipple area without removing much of the overlying skin of the breast. A nipple-sparing mastectomy is removal of all the breast tissue, without removing much of the overlying skin and the nipple area of the breast
.Most women are able to have this surgery at Torbay Hospital but we liaise with the Plastic Surgery team from the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Women choosing some specialised procedures (microvascular surgery) can have these operations in Exeter.
Not all procedures are suitable for all patients. Initially you may find the information leaflet from Breast Cancer Now or BAPRAS (British Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgeons) helpful.