Healthy Living with type 2 diabetes – CONNECTPlus

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CONNECTPlus is an easy to use app that enables patients to manage their multiple long-term conditions together, in a single place. It aims to support both newly and longer-term diagnosed users by providing regularly updated expert advice and information from the our clinical teams in written, video and podcast format.

Users can benefit from:

  • Easy-to-understand videos and written information covering the information you need to know when you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
  • A space to keep track of your appointments, diabetes readings and medications
  • Contact details for the relevant local services

Joining the course

To get the most out of the healthy living with type 2 diabetes programme we recommend that people sign up to the CONNECTPlus app. This allows you to receive notifications about further options for education, course resources and is a source to recap information learned on the course. Sign up to the course.

If you do not wish to use the app please complete the self-referral form, on our ‘Healthy Living Programme for type 2 diabetes‘ page.