What to do if a fall occurs
If you fall, wait a moment, stay calm and try to check for injuries.
Try to summon help – Shout or bang on the wall, or if possible crawl to the telephone. An emergency response system would prove invaluable in these circumstances.
Assess the situation – Decide if you can get up. If you are hurt and think you cannot get up:
Rest and wait
Move to a safe surface – If you have fallen on a hard surface, try and move to a carpeted area.
- Keep warm – Try to cover yourself and try to move out of draughts.
Keep moving – Don’t lie in one position for too long, roll from side to side and move your arms and legs if possible to keep warm.
If you think you can get up:
- Roll onto your hands and knees
- Crawl to a stable piece of furniture such as a bed or chair
- Place your hands onto the bed or chair for support
- Place one foot flat on the floor bending your knee in front of your tummy
- Lean forward. Push onto your hands until you bring the other foot beside the first
- Turn and sit on the bed or chair
- Rest a while before getting ups
Support video
How to cope if you have had a fall
The ambulance service also have some helpful advice.