Learning Disabilities
Specialist clinical services are provided by Devon Partnership Trust.
The services Devon Partnership Trust provide for people who have a learning disability include:
- Inpatient units – providing inpatient care that includes short-term assessment and treatment, specialist provision for autism, and longer-term care. These are consultant led.
- Specialist learning disability, residential and nursing services, and contributing a significant number of staff to some similar services delivered by a partner housing association.
- Community team involvement of professions – including nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, consultant psychiatry, and psychology.
- Some associated services including therapeutic day time services and Additional Support Teams linked to community teams.
The services we commission must be underpinned by the values in “Valuing People now”
This has four key principles:
- Choice
- Independence
- Inclusion
- Rights
In addition a range of social care support is directly purchased by Torbay and Southern Devon Health and Care NHS Trust which includes day opportunities, residential support, enhanced domiciliary care, employment support and advocacy support.