Children’s Learning Disability Health Team
The Children’s Learning Disability Health Team offers a specialist community based service for children with a learning disability within Torbay and Devon. This video explains who we support and how we work. If you have any questions please do contact us; we will be pleased to hear from you whether you are a service user, a parent or carer, a professional supporting a child, or young person with a learning disability, or just someone who wants to know more about our service.
Child and Family Health Devon
Childrens Learning Disability Service
St Edmunds
Victoria Park Road
Torquay TQ1 3QH
Tel: 0330 024 5321 – ask to speak to a duty member from the Learning Disability Team
Email: Single Point of Access Team
The Children’s Learning Disability Health Team are also part of Children and Family Health Devon and further information regarding the service offered in other areas and team referral form can be found at:
Who do we work with?
We support children and young people from birth to 18, where the child has been diagnosed with a learning disability (‘an enduring developmental delay that has a significant impact on the daily life of the child and the family’). This may affect the child’s physical and sensory development, emotional well-being, communication skills and health needs.
Services we provide
We work in close collaboration with families and carers to promote good emotional and physical health for the child or young person with learning disabilities.
Here are some examples of how we could help:
- Support in accessing health services
- Sleep awareness training and advice
- Behaviour support and advice
- Understanding and supporting autism
- Mental health issues
- Total communication
- Toilet training and continence
- Personal hygiene
- Sexual health
“Self-management by parents is the aim of the service”
How do I get referred?
We accept referrals from parents/carers and professionals. Please contact us on 0330 024 5321 for more information- ask to speak to a duty member from the Learning Disability Team.
Health professionals must include confirmation that parents/carers have given consent for the referral to this service.
Local Offer
The purpose of the ‘Local Offer’ is to provide clear accessible information about services available in the area from birth to 25 across education, health and social care for parents and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.