How can I find out more about the Mental Capacity Act?
The Department of Health have produced a series of six information booklets called ‘Making Decisions’.
- ‘Making decisions about your health, welfare or finance. Who decides when you can’t?’
- ‘Making decisions: a guide for family, friends and any other unpaid carers’
- ‘Making decisions: a guide for people working in health and social care’
- ‘Making decisions: a guide for advice workers’
- ‘Making decisions: An easyread guide’
- ‘Making decisions: The Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) Service’
- ‘Making decisions about your health, welfare or finance. Who decides when you can’t?’ (leaflet)
Key documents:
- House of Lords Mental Capacity Act 2005: Post-Legislative Scrutiny Report
- HM Government: Valuing every voice, respecting every right: Making the case for the Mental Capacity Act
- Department of Health: Mental Capacity Act 2005 – Valuing every voice, respecting every right: One year on
The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) provide a suite of information to include key documents, eLearning, short films, case law and guidance.