Devon Partnership Trust mental health services
Details for Devon Partnership Trust mental health services for Torbay and South Devon (excluding Plymouth)
If you are worried about your thoughts or how you are feeling, help is available. For help and advice, contact your GP. They will refer you for more specialist care if you need it.
Mental Health Services in Torbay Hospital and Mental Health Community Services in Torbay and South Devon are provided by Devon Partnership Trust.
- Devon Partnership Trust – Our services
- Devon Partnership Trust – Resources and downloadable leaflets
- Devon Partnership Trust – Downloads and publications for Community resources
Community mental health services care – referral and assessment
For more information on what happens after referral, see:
Torbay Hospital
Torbay Hospital’s Haytor and Beech wards are a Devon Partnership Trust service.
- Devon Partnership Trust – Mental health admissions to hospital
- Devon Partnership Trust – Haytor Ward
Haytor Unit provides assessment, care and treatment for men and women with mental health needs - Devon Partnership Trust – Beech Unit
provides assessment and treatment for older people with severe mental health needs, such as depression, anxiety and psychosis.
Rethink Advocacy advocates work with qualifying patients detained under the Mental Health Act (qualifying sections) within the Devon and Torbay area. The service is also available to people held under Supervised Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) who live within the Devon and Torbay area.
For futher information, visit: Rethink – Torbay/ Devon.
Liaison Psychiatry service
The Liaison Psychiatry service responds to referrals from Torbay Hospital for individuals attending the Emergency Department or who have been admitted to a ward. The service provides mental health assessments, care plan advice and provides training/support opportunities for hospital staff, regarding mental health issues. More details can be found in their ‘Psychiatry in acute hospitals‘ leaflets.
Self-referral for adults
For mild anxiety and low mood, you can self-refer by calling the TALKWORKS on 0300 555 3344. For further information, visit: TALKWORKS.Psychosis – Early Intervention contact your GP or contact your local STEP Team.
Drugs and alcohol – Torbay Drug and Alcohol Service.
For the rest of Devon, please contact Together Drug and Alcohol Service 0800 233 5444.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Please contact 03300 245 321 during normal hours (Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm) or 0300 555 5000 outside these hours. Callers will speak to a call handler, their call will be forwarded to a voicemail service and their message will be returned within one hour.
For further information, visit: Devon Partnership Trust – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
Also see:
For information on Torbay Drug and Alcohol Services for under 18’s please visit: The Children’s Society – CheckPoint.
Essential contacts
Social care related emergency outside of normal working hours.
Torbay Emergency Duty Service – 0300 456 4876
Opening hours:
- Monday to Thursday, 4:30pm to 9am
- Friday to Monday, 4pm to 9am
- Bank Holidays, 24 hours
For further information, see our ‘Torbay Emergency Duty Service‘ page.
Devon Emergency Duty Service – 0345 600 0388
For further information, visit: Devon County Council – Social care in Devon.
Plymouth Emergency Duty Service – 01752 346984
For further information, visit: Plymouth Online Directory – Out of hours social and health care.
Opening hours:
- Monday to Thursday, 5pm to 9am
- Friday 4pm through to 9am Monday
- 365 days per year, including all Bank Holidays
Plymouth Livewell Southwest First Response 24/7 Crisis Line – call the crisis line on NHS 111 (select the mental health option).
For further information, visit: Livewell Southwest First – Response 24/7 Crisis Line.