
Eye Clinic/Eye Surgery Unit
Torbay Hospital
Lowes Bridge
Torquay TQ2 7AA

Tel: 01803 655088
Eye Clinic Liaison Officer: 01803 656121

Our services

We care for people with eye and vision problems. Every year our Eye Unit provides over 70 000 consultations and performs in excess of 3000 ocular operations for the local population.

The Ophthalmology services provided by Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust include:

  • Outpatient diagnostics and treatments
  • Orthoptic service
  • Emergency eye care
  • Elective and emergency eye surgery
  • Children’s Ophthalmology service (including retinopathy of prematurity screening, orthoptics and refraction)
  • Low vision and sensory services (including RNIB Eye clinic liaison officer)

Location of services

Most services are provided from Torbay Hospital’s Eye Clinic and Eye Surgery Unit.

Outpatient clinics are also held at Dawlish Hospital, Newton Abbot Hospital, Teignmouth Hospital and Totnes Hospital.

Outpatient service

Our Consultants have a range of sub-speciality expertise and run specialist clinics including:

  • Corneal disease
  • Medical retinal disease
  • Uveitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Oculoplastic problems
  • Paediatric ophthalmology

Patients referred with cataracts are seen in the Eye Surgery Unit where a comprehensive pre-operative assessment is performed and no additional appointments are required prior to their surgery.

We perform a range of treatments in our outpatient clinic including:

  • Minor operations
  • Intravitreal injections (injection of medicine into the eye)
  • LASER treatment

A diabetic retinopathy screening service runs with the support of all local General Practice surgeries.

Our patient information leaflets provide useful information.

Orthoptic service

A full orthoptic service is provided, which includes:

  • Screening programme for four-year-old children in the community, screening in Special Schools and the John Parkes Unit
  • Investigation and management in conjunction with a consultant ophthalmologist of adults with eye movement disorders

Direct referrals can be made by the Health Visitor, School Nurse or GP.

Emergency service

There is a 24-hour emergency cover for all patients requiring emergency ophthalmic intervention. This service is accessed by referral from either a General Practitioner or the Emergency Department (A&E) to a member of the ophthalmic medical staff.

Sensory – Visual and Hearing

The Low Vision Service is delivered by Optima Low Vision Services. The low vision clinic is situated at Dart Side, Ford Road, Totnes, TQ9 5LQ.

To find out more about the support available for those with visual loss, visit our Sensory – Visual and Hearing page.

We have a Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) to assist those with vision loss and act as an important bridge between health and social services. You can contact our Eye Clinic Liaison Officer on 01803 656121.