Orthoptics treatment for adults
An Orthoptist’s main role in adult assessment is to investigate and treat double vision and symptoms of eye strain. However, they see a wide range of adult patients and you may be referred to see an Orthoptist despite having no double vision.
In addition to these general adult clinics, specific Adult Motility Clinics, Joint Thyroid Eye Disease Clinics and Urgent referral service Clinics for Eye Movement Disorders are also provided.
Visual problems following a stroke
Around 60% of stroke survivors experience vision problems. The most common symptoms include:
- Loss of part of your visual field (peripheral vision)
- Blurred or double vision
- Difficulty reading.
Torbay hospital’s Orthoptists offer a review of any patient with suspected visual difficulties following a stroke or brain injury. Patients may be seen on the Teign Stoke Rehabilitation Ward, or in an Outpatient clinic.
Referral can be made via your GP or by your Community Neuro-rehabilitation team (occupational therapist/physiotherapist).
- Information leaflet ‘Visual problems following stroke’
Additional clinics
Additional clinics in which you may be seen by an Orthoptist include:
Glaucoma clinics
The progression of glaucoma can lead to irreversible blindness. Sight may be maintained with appropriate medical or surgical treatment. Orthoptists work alongside an Ophthalmologist to monitor efficacy of treatment and watch for any progression of the condition within dedicated Glaucoma Clinics.
Retinal clinics
Age related macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in the UK. Treatment has been developed for the ‘wet’ type. Orthoptists work alongside an Ophthalmologist to monitor patients and determine when treatment is indicated within dedicated Macula Clinics. Further information on macular disease can be found on the Macular Society website
2.5 million people are invited for Diabetic Eye Screening every year. Orthoptists monitor a subgroup of these patients to determine when referral to a consultant clinic is appropriate, or when community Diabetic Eye Screening is not possible.
Additionally, Orthoptist in our service monitor patients with retinal vein occlusion and work alongside an Ophthalmologist to monitor patients and determine when treatment is indicated within dedicated Macula Clinics.