VR Connect

VR Connect logo

The Pain Rehabilitation VR Connect Team, in partnership with CUREosity, offers an 8 week Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) programme for people with chronic pain.


This programme allows people to interact with multiple engaging and immersive environments that can be modified and tailored to suit individual needs. The aim of the programme is to use these exciting and interactive surroundings to improve the ability to move alongside chronic pain.

The six modules offer the ability to develop skills in the following (click on the images for an overview):

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Screen visual taken from the Active module

Active – attention training

The active module is suitable for severely affected patients. Already in early rehabilitation it stimulates and activates attention and supports the reduction of neglect. The therapy can be completed by means gaze guidance.

Screen visual taken from the Moto module

Moto – motor training

The moto module includes bi and uni lateral motor training of the upper extremities and promotes active and goal-oriented mobility in motivating therapy games.

Screen visual taken from the Cogni module

Cogni – cognitive training

The cogni module offers cognitive and sensory training. It promotes colour and shape recognition word finding spatial perception coordination and memory.

Screen visual taken from the Daily module

Daily – everyday skills training

In the daily module, everyday situations are practiced in a virtual environment, e.g. a therapy kitchen, using tools and utensils.

Screen visual taken from the Relax module

Relax – stress reduction and pain relief

The relax module promotes neuroregulation, stress reduction pain relief and is suitable for all patients. It supports compliance and readiness for therapy thanks to explorative environments, interactive mini games, breathing exercises and colour therapy.

Screen visual taken from the Finger module

Finger – fine motor skills training

In the finger module mobility and coordination of the hands and individual fingers are trained. Practicing skills such as holding and grasping.


The pathway below shows a typical patient journey:

Initial telephone consultation with pain therapist

Follow up appointment with pain therapist

Eight one-to-one VR sessions

Final review

VR Connect Team, in partnership with CUREosity

VR Connect logo
CUREosity logo

For more information visit the CUREOsity website.