Treating vertigo
We have prepared some videos that provides you with a series of exercises to help treat your vertigo.
Please do not attempt these exercises if you have had eye surgery within the last 3 weeks.
If you have problems with your neck or heart, or have previously had a stroke, please discuss these exercises with your GP or physiotherapist first.
Home exercises for the treatment of vertigo
Eye exercises for the treatment of vertigo
How to treat vertigo at home with the Epley Manoeuvre
Balance exercises for the treatment of vertigo and imbalance
How to treat vertigo at home with the Semont Manoeuvre
Useful links
Postural stability, strength, and balance exercise programme (FaME)
We provide a strength and balance exercise classes for residents of Torbay and South Devon.
Reconnect2Life – Tai Chi
Tai Chi used within Pain Management is a safe approach to exercise and can help to reduce the suffering experienced in chronic pain conditions.
Reconnect2Life – Mindfulness skills
These audio tracks are designed to help us ground or centre when things are difficult or just because it’s better to be in the driver’s seat whatever is going on pleasant or unpleasant.
Meniere’s Society
The Meniere’s Society improve the lives of people affected by dizziness and imbalance and are the UK’s leading charity for vestibular disorders.
Veda (Vestibular Disorder Association)
The Veda (Vestibular Disorder Association) support anyone affected by vestibular disorders for over 30 years.
Balance and Dizziness Canada
Balance and Dizziness Canada support, inspire and educate those affected by balance and dizziness disorders.
The association of chartered physiotherapists interested in vestibular rehabilitation (ACPIVR)
The ACPIVR provide a range of useful patient information.