Useful links and contacts

Useful websites

  • Free Chlamydia Test
    Send off for a free postal pack to test for Chlamydia.

    Website of the British Association for Sexual Health & HIV.

  • BPAS
    Website of the British Pregnancy Advice Service, providing information on how to access BPAS services and prevent or end unintended pregnancy.

  • Devon Sexual Health
    Devon Sexual Health is a specialist service delivered by Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust. The service is funded by Devon County Council and Torbay Council.

  • Eddystone Trust
    Website of the Eddystone Trust, a local charity providing information and advice on sexual health matters.

  • FPA
    Website of the Family Planning Association.

  • Marie Stopes UK
    Website of MSI Reproductive Choices providing information on contraception and abortion services.

  • The NHS website
    NHS information and advice web service, providing advice and details of medical services, including where to go for emergency contraception. Also see:

  • Pinpoint
    Website providing information and details of community services in Devon.

Useful contact numbers

  • Devon Sexual Health Appointments Line: 0300 303 3989
    Information on clinic locations and times, and appointment bookings, for services provided by Devon Sexual Health Torbay.

  • Checkpoint: 01803 200100
    Drop in centre providing information and advice for 11-22 year olds in Torbay.

  • Eddystone Trust: 01803 380692
    The Eddystone Trust is a local charity providing information and advice on sexual health matters.

  • Sexual Health Advice Line: 0800 567 123
    24 hour free, confidential advice on STIs, sexual health and where to find local services.