Spinal surgery
Surgery is rarely required for spinal problems. In fact, fewer than 10% of patients seen by our service are seen by a surgeon, and even fewer actually have surgery.
If surgery is likely to help improve your pain, then it may be discussed with you, and you may be put on a list for further discussion at a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meeting.
In this meeting your Specialist Spinal Orthopaedic Physiotherapist will discuss your case with one of the Spinal Surgeons at Royal Devon University Healthcare (RDUH).
Spinal MDT normally happens once every 4-6 weeks. This is an opportunity for your Spinal Specialist Orthopaedic Physiotherapist to present your case to a team of Specialists and Consultants in both Spinal Surgery and Pain Clinic/Anaesthetics. A discussion will be had about your history, symptoms and investigation findings. An agreement on further management will be formed which may, or may not, include surgical review.
Occasionally, you may be referred onwards to Pain Services, particularly if there is no indication that surgery will benefit you.
For more information, see our on Pain Service pages.
If you are considered suitable for surgery, then you will normally be informed by letter, and an appointment will be arranged by RD&E to see you in clinic when an appointment becomes available.
Royal Devon University Healthcare contact details:
Telephone number: 01392 411611
Useful links: