Winter health

Photo: Sunny winter day in field

Every year we see a steep increase in ‘winter illnesses’, and with COVID-19 and an uncertain flu season this year it is even more important to do what we can to stay well.

We want to help you and your loved ones to be able to stay well and make it easy for you to find the right help and support if you do become unwell. There are some great tools you can download – such as the HandiApp which has lots of expert advice for what to do if your child is unwell.

We will help you find the right services when you need them and advise how best to prepare if you do become unwell.

You can also find information to support your mental health and wellbeing – something which many of us find more difficult in the winter months.

As the temperatures fall, we also need to make sure we keep warm. For more information and tips visit the NHS website

Below are some links to more information:

Graphic: Think 111 first

Get advice on the right healthcare for your need.

Photo: HANDi app promotional image

Download the free locally developed HANDi App to help them manage some of the common childhood illnesses.

Photo: Self care supplies

Keeping fit and healthy and understanding how and when you can look after yourself.

Photo: Pharmacist looking at medication

Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals who can help you with minor health concerns.

Infographic: Hands Face Space

What you can do to prevent the spread of infection and when to seek help.

Photo: Hands holding

It’s important to get help quickly if you’re struggling with your mental health.

Photo: Sunny winter day in field

A series of videos that we hope will help you stay well this winter.