Virtual Wards

Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT IV’s)
Medical Admissions Avoidance Team (MAAT)
Coral Suite
Level 2
Torbay Hospital
Lowes Bridge
Torquay TQ2 7AA

Tel: 01803 655776

Frailty Virtual Ward
Coral Suite
Level 2
Torbay Hospital
Lowes Bridge
Torquay TQ2 7AA

Tel: 01803 654246

Heart Failure Virtual Ward
Coral Suite
Level 2
Torbay Hospital
Lowes Bridge
Torquay TQ2 7AA

Tel: 07827 234879 / 01803 656174 / 01803 654246

Respiratory Virtual Ward
Coral Suite
Level 2
Torbay Hospital
Lowes Bridge
Torquay TQ2 7AA

Tel: 01803 655199 / 01803 654246

What is a virtual ward?

A virtual ward is a safe and efficient alternative to NHS bedded care. It supports patients to remain at home who would otherwise be in hospital. Care is personalised to the individuals needs and can include regular monitoring, home/outpatient visits and/or administering treatment.

What can I expect if my care is delivered in a virtual ward?

Our multidisciplinary team will monitor you at home. Treatments will either be administered at home with our support, or you will attend the hospital as a day case. We may visit you at home to check your progress, and if you become more unwell, we will arrange for you to be admitted to hospital. You will be under the care of a specialist consultant who will regularly review your progress and the team will advise you of any changes to your treatment plan.

What you can expect when admitted to one of our virtual wards:

  • Enjoy the comforts of your own home whilst receiving treatments that would previously have required hospital admission
  • Have expert support and assessment with the Heart Failure Virtual Ward Team via telephone reviews, or daily IV therapy, if required
  • Regularly have your clinical progress reviewed by a cardiology consultant
  • Be able to call for advice 24/7 if you have concerns

  • Enjoy the comforts of your own home whilst receiving input that would previously have required hospital admission
  • Have expert support and assessment from the Frailty Virtual Ward Team via home visits, in-person and telephone reviews
  • Have an opportunity to review your medications and discuss your future care wishes
  • Access therapy and social care input via the Community Intermediate Care Teams who work alongside the virtual ward
  • Be able to call for advice 24/7 if you have concerns

  • Enjoy the comforts of your own home whilst receiving treatments that would previously have required hospital admission
  • Have expert support and assessment with the Respiratory Virtual Ward Team via home visits, in-person and telephone reviews
  • Regularly have your clinical progress reviewed by a respiratory consultant
  • Be able to call for advice 24/7 if you have concerns

Why have virtual wards been created?

We know that being treated in your own home can have a hugely positive impact. You can continue with your daily routine and make choices about what you do, eat and wear, and have the people you know and love around you. You also avoid the risks that an inpatient stay may have, such as deconditioning and hospital acquired infections. All of this can contribute to a quicker and better chance of recovery.

In addition, having people who can be safely treated at home on our virtual wards keeps the inpatient hospital beds free for those who are too unwell or unstable to leave hospital, helps to ease pressures on our emergency department and reduce waiting times for both planned and emergency care.

What happens when I finish my care?

The aim is that you will be safely discharged to your GP on completion of your care.

What services offer virtual wards?

We are offering care on our Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT IV’s), Cardiology Heart Failure, Frailty and Respiratory Virtual Wards. Contact details for these virtual wards are at the top of this page.