
Smokefree NHS logo

Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust (TSDFT) operates a smoke-free policy, supporting smokers to stop smoking and to protect staff, patients and visitors from second hand smoke.

All sites are non-smoking so that anyone on Trust premises will not be exposed to passive smoking. This is in line with NHS-wide policy.

We hope you will respect this policy by not smoking. Visiting times are limited. During the time that anyone is visiting, we ask them to refrain from smoking, or leave the site to smoke.

Being ‘smoke free’ prior to any treatment improves recovery and reduces the risk of complications. If you are a smoker, we have various forms of nicotine replacement therapy available to you while in hospital. You might also want to consider quitting smoking before you come into hospital.

You can get free advice and support to quit by contacting your local stop smoking service.

Web: Devon Stop Smoking Service
Phone: 0800 122 3866


Web: Your Health Torbay
Phone: 01803 422422

Web: One You Plymouth
Phone: 01752 437177

E-cigarettes (Vaping)

The Trust does not encourage the use of e-cigarettes but acknowledges their potential to help people quit smoking. The use of e-cigarettes is therefore permitted on TSDFT sites, but not within the buildings or by any of the entrances to buildings. E-cigarettes must not be charged or their batteries charged within any of the Trust’s buildings or vehicles.