Vote for our new naming theme for wards, clinics, services and buildings

Graphic: Text that says "Vote for our new naming theme for wards, clinics, services and buildings"

Published: 22 February 2023

Earlier this year we asked our staff for suggestions for a theme to use for naming our wards, clinics, units, services and buildings as we build our brighter future together.

From now on we will either use a factual, descriptive name which may include a geographical locator (such as Dartmouth Health and Wellbeing Centre or Acute Medical Unit) or a name that follows our approved theme.

The most popular (and creative) suggestions are now open for public voting. The vote will be open until Sunday 19 March 2023.

Please vote for your preferred option:

  • Water and waves (Torbay and South Devon rivers, beaches, bays and coves)
  • Trees and Tors (trees native to Torbay and South Devon)
  • Flowers and plants (native to Torbay and South Devon)
  • Agatha Christie characters and locations
  • Area, level and sequential number (for example, Navy 41, Yellow 52)

We will announce the chosen theme following approval at Trust Management Group on 04 April 2023.