Awards ceremony held for specialist doctors

Image: four of the SAS doctors award winners for 2024 pictured at the ceremony with Dr Niki Burke, SAS tutor

Published: 22 October 2024

The achievements of specialty, specialist and associate specialist (SAS) doctors in Torbay and South Devon have been celebrated with dedicated awards.

Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust held their second SAS doctors awards in October, after being the first organisation in the country to present dedicated awards for SAS doctors last year.

Nominations were submitted by people across Torbay and South Devon NHS for their colleagues who they felt had gone above and beyond in their roles.

Five awards were presented, along with an overall SAS doctor of the year award. The award ceremony took place in Torbay Hospital’s Bayview restaurant on Thursday 17 October 2024.

Kestas Straukas won in the learning, research and development category for his work on implementing an electronic communication tool that provides emergency medicine colleagues with a more reliable and safer management resource.

The winner of the patient, safety and quality improvement award was Sony Augustine, who was recognised for her innovative approach to managing the people that the emergency department cares for and her support for the wider team.

Nominated by colleagues in ophthalmology, Magdy Nofal won in the making a difference category for going above and beyond to support the department, train and help colleagues and provide a streamlined service for the people he cares for.

Alison Bate picked up the innovation and service improvement category for helping to set up and run a new breast pain referral pathway, helping to improve efficiency and empower and support patients.

The respect, teaching and training category winner was Kamal Eldessouki, whose nomination contained feedback from more than 50 staff in the women’s health department who wanted to recognise the incredible care he delivers and how he supports and helps his colleagues.

The SAS doctor of the year selected from the winners was Magdy Nofal.

The event was organised by SAS doctors, support staff and medical education teams, led by Dr Niki Burke, Associate Specialist in emergency medicine and SAS tutor and advocate.

Niki said: “We have again showcased the superb work of our brightest SAS stars and raised their profile in the organisation. We are confident we now have a reproducible and simple process that recognises and rewards our SAS doctors. The nominations were again a very high quality and illustrated the nature of the work our SAS doctors do and their value to our organisation. It is always emotional for the panel judging them.

“I must thank medical education, audio-visual and communications teams for supporting the whole process yet again. The celebration event this year, held in our own Bayview restaurant, highlighted the value of this resource and the capability of the catering team, who delivered an excellent celebration buffet that would grace any special occasion.

“The event was supported by our executive team, who were on hand to present our winners with their awards. Our SAS doctors are held in high esteem by the organisation.”

Arun Chandran, Chief Operating Officer for Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, presented the SAS doctor of the year award. Arun said: “Our second ever SAS doctors awards evening was a lovely occasion, and I was very impressed with all of the nomination stories that highlighted the innovative and dedicated work happening in services across our organisation.

“Dr Niki Burke goes above and beyond in her championing of our SAS doctors, and it is thanks to her and support from colleagues that we can recognise and reward the contributions of this key group of staff. We are incredibly proud as an organisation that the work Niki leads is held as best practice across the country.”

“It was clear to see that our SAS doctors deliver excellent care across our services, with a commitment to improving and enhancing the care provided for local people. Congratulations to all this year’s winners and nominees.”

SAS doctors are specialty and specialist grade doctors with at least four years of postgraduate training, two of which in a relevant specialty.

The role is an alternative to becoming a consultant or GP, with a focus on providing direct patient care as well as educational, research, development and leadership opportunities.

They are made up of a range of skills, experience and specialties and are an essential part of the medical workforce across the country.