Youth membership
Membership is open to everyone in Torbay and South Devon, as long as you’re over the age of 14. It is a fantastic way to make a difference in your local neighbourhood, as well shape the future of our Trust and the services we offer locally.
If you have ever had to go to hospital for a short stay, or know someone that has received health or social care at home, you’ll know how important our services are to your family’s health. It also looks good on your CV, so why not get involved!
There are many other benefits linked to membership including:
- Information about jobs, apprenticeships and recruitment open days, which you can access from the Trust – and potentially access to further career opportunities
- Experience to add to your Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Invitation to attend open days, seminars and special events being held by the Trust.
- Receive a regular members’ newsletter with information on what’s happening at the Trust and how you can get involved.
- Vote for a member to represent you on our Council of Governors, or even stand as a Governor yourself (though you have to be over 16 for that). Definitely something to head for.
- Attending special events at the Trust; learn so much more about the Trust and its services, about its research and development, and about how we aim to provide the best possible healthcare for our patients.
There’s no membership fee and no obligation to do anything. It’s simply about the right to be involved. Why not join with your friends or classmates!
Sounds good? Join us by filling in our membership form. Please ensure you leave your email address so we can easily contact you with what’s happening at the Trust and ask your opinions on any issues that arise.