Prevention of pressure ulcers
Pressure ulcers are a real risk for the elderly and as part of our care and treatment programmes, we have prepared some videos that will support people who are coping with the effects of ageing or who are looking after someone who is growing older.
We hope that you will be able to share these videos with your friends, family and carers so that it makes their life, and your life, a little easier.
If you have any questions, the main Care of the Elderly page will provide you with more details about our services, and who to contact.
An introduction to pressure ulcers
Preventing a pressure ulcers: Top 10 tips
Pressure ulcers: What to look for
Preventing pressure ulcers: The power of food and drink
Preventing pressure ulcers: The importance of skin care
Preventing pressure ulcers: Using the right equipment
Preventing pressure ulcers: The power of movement
Pressure ulcers: Keeping an eye on progress