Residential rehabilitation

The Jatis Project CIC Services

The Jatis Project provides supported housing to adults in Torbay who have experienced drug or alcohol problems and who are actively engaged in structured treatment.

The Jatis Project offers 2 services. A treatment-based service and an abstinence move on/resettlement-based service. Your Recovery Worker may recommend the project to you as part of your recovery plan.

All clients of the Jatis Project will be allocated a worker to support you. They will:

  • Meet with you within the first working day.
  • Work with you to create support plans, based upon your needs.
  • Meet with you as often as agreed in your support plan, to work towards your goals.
  • Keep a record of all meetings with you and supply you with copies if you request them.
  • Review your support plans with you regularly – you can request a review at any time if you are not happy with your support or if your needs change.
  • Support you, when you are ready, to seek and move on to living independently.

Types of one to one support on offer cover:

  • Economic Wellbeing – Managing money, claiming benefits, obtaining work, completing C.Vs, job applications and preparing for interviews.
  • Enjoy and Achieve – Accessing training, hobbies, culture and faith, building family relationships, making friends and dealing with conflict.
  • Be healthy – Independent living, accessing services, managing mental health, managing drug/alcohol issues, accessing contraception/sexual health.
  • Stay Safe – Personal safety, behaviour, maintaining accommodation, household tasks, cooking and understanding tenancy/licence agreements.
  • Make a positive contribution – Relationships and participation in the community, avoiding conflict.

The support provided to you is monitored by:

  • Regularly reviewing the effectiveness of the Jatis Project work system and making changes as necessary.
  • Ensuring Jatis Project staff receive regular supervision and training so they are skilled to help you in the best way possible.
  • Regularly seeking feedback from clients and partner services to ensure our support remains relevant and effective.

There are two treatment based houses, and 1 move on / resettlement house.

The houses offer a warm and welcoming atmosphere in which to recover and build a new life. Staff are available around the clock for support and residents are there to support each other through difficult times.

All residents are free from illicit drugs / alcohol and are engaged in treatment having made a commitment to change. They are also supported in training and education, with access to relevant courses through partnership agencies.

Support on offer includes:

  • Clear and concise initial assessments
  • One to One support session – Creating support plans to cater for your needs
  • Risk Management Plans – To help minimise any risk identified by you, Jatis Staff or partner services
  • Housing related support i.e claiming Housing Benefits, change of benefits, Devon home choice, maintaining tenancy, referral to other housing agencies, maintaining rent payments and any arrears
  • Support with claiming the right benefits for your needs/circumstances
  • Support with budgeting, shopping, meal planning, cooking and general living needs
  • Collaboration with prescribing services
  • A structured day programme
  • Psychosocial/Interpersonal Group Work
  • One to One Personal Development Assignments
  • Access to Counselling
  • Facilitated access to mutual aid – Volunteering and training within the community

This service although not treatment based still provides an atmosphere of recovery where clients are supported and empowered to move forward and prepare for independent living. This will involve preparing to move on. Budgeting, saving money towards moving on, training, voluntary work and maintaining engagement with recovery focused activities.

The clients in this property have all made a commitment to recovery and abstinence.

A peer led environment is encouraged, with independent living and long-term recovery being the goal.

Support on offer includes:

  • Risk Management Plans – To help minimise any risk identified by you, Jatis Staff or partner services
  • Housing related support i.e claiming Housing Benefits, change of benefits, Devon home choice, maintaining tenancy, referral to other housing agencies, maintaining rent payments and any arrears.
  • Support with claiming the right benefits for your needs / circumstances
  • Support with budgeting, shopping, meal planning, cooking and general living needs and saving towards moving on.
  • Signposting to relevant advice services i.e. Citizens Advice Bureau, Solicitors
  • Support in accessing Drug / Alcohol and Mental Health Services
  • Peer led support in accessing Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Gamblers Anonymous
  • Support in accessing educational, training courses and voluntary work
  • Support in living healthier lifestyles by accessing local leisure centres, healthy lifestyles team, Doctors, Dentists and Health services
  • Peer Support
  • Support in accessing activities i.e. fishing, coasteering, rock climbing, canoeing, camping and football etc.
  • Support in accessing Social Housing, private rented or further Supported Housing when preparing to move on

Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible for the Jatis project, along with the below criteria.

The following are accepted:

  • Orders of residence
  • Clients under Drug Rehabilitation Requirements (DRR’s)
  • Clients under other community orders
  • Criminal justice referrals
  • Child Care options – Staff can facilitate children contact through appropriate agencies

Eligibility criteria:

  • Local connection policy (Torbay Council)
  • Substance misuse issues (historic / current)
  • NHS/Criminal Justice assessment pathway
  • Stable/continued engagement with Drug and Alcohol services
  • Stable on prescription medications
  • Abstinence from illicit drug use
  • Attended all prep-group work

Jatis accepts clients on the following prescribed psycho-active medication:

  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-Psychotics

Exclusions and restrictions to admission

Jatis may exclude clients who have:

  • Have arson convictions
  • Have an history of violence not associated with their Drug / Alcohol misuse

Jatis cannot meet the needs of those exhibiting florid symptoms of mental illness.