
There are several wards that you may go to after your surgery and you will be told which ward you are expected to return to on the morning of surgery.
If you are on the day-case surgical pathway you will be discharge from the day case ward once you have met certain criteria. This includes:
- Pain controlled
- Nausea free
- Had something to drink and eat
- Mobilised
- Been to the toilet
If you are an in-patient, once you are back on the ward you will need to:
- Start your exercise and increase the distance you walk
- Become more independent
- Practice going up and down stairs
- Confirm plans for going home
- Ensure your pain is managed
Most patients are discharged on the day of surgery and many on day 1 or 2 after surgery. If you need to stay longer you will continue to gain independence with your mobility and care until you are able to cope at home.