Organ Donation

Organ Donation logo

Organ donation is the gift of donating an organ to save or transform the life of someone else. Most organ and tissue donations come from people who have died. Organ donation is a gift like no other, a legacy that lasts a lifetime.

There are 7,400 people on the transplant waiting list, and sadly three people die every day waiting for a transplant.

Anyone can register a decision to become an organ / tissue donor after death, there is no age limit. To donate organs after death, a person needs to die in hospital specific circumstances.

One organ donor can save up to nine lives and enhance the lives of many others through tissue donation also.

It is important that we all take two minutes to register our organ donation decision and talk to our loved ones about our wishes.

You can do this in a number of ways:

  • signing up when you renew your driving licence or passport
  • visiting the NHSBT website
  • using the NHS app on your phone
  • through your GP health records

Tissue donation

Tissue donation can enhance and transform the lives of many. Almost anyone can be a tissue donor following their death.

Torbay Hospital supports the gift of sight by facilitating corneal donation. One donated eye can restore sight for up to eight people.

More than 4000 people in the UK waiting for up to two years without sight, for a corneal donation.

Organ and tissue donation at Torbay Hospital

We support NHS Blood and Transplant’s goal to save and improve lives through the gift of donation.

Organ donation team

  • Clinical Lead for Organ Donation – Nicola Freeman
  • Specialist Nurse for Organ Donation – Kathryn Somers (

Register a decision to donate

You can register a decision to donate some or all of your organs and tissue on the NHS Organ Donation website.

Register your decision to donate