Hospital Car Service charges
Charges apply to patients, their escorts, and children. For children who are accompanied by an escort the charges are £2 per child, plus £1 per escort. All children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
The following standard charges per person were introduced on 1st October 2009 for bookings made from that date for journeys within the South Devon area:
- Short local journeys (Band 1) £6.00 each way (£12 return)
- Longer local journeys (Band 2) £9.00 each way (£18 return)
- Longest local journeys (Band 3) £13.00 each way (£26 return).
We can tell you which band your journey will fall into when you book. The bands are based on the post codes of the pick-up point and the destination.
When you call us, you will be informed of the cost of your journey prior to the booking being made.
Patient Transport enquiry line: 01803 656777 between 9am and 3pm weekdays (not Bank Holidays).
Charges for all other journeys beyond the Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust area will be charged per mile – we can advise you of the current cost per mile when you phone us.
Weekly tickets
For details on Weekly Tickets, please contact Patient Transport Services, Call Centre on 01803 656777.
Help with costs
If patients qualify with certain benefits, two thirds of hospital car travel costs can be claimed back from the Cashiers department at Level 2, Torbay Hospital. Please contact the Cashiers department to enquire whether you qualify on 01803 656555.
If you are on low income you may also qualify; form HC 11 “Help with NHS Charges” gives details.
- Band 1 = £2.00 each way
- Band 2 = £3.00 each way
- Band 3 = £4.00 each way